Using Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Special Populations

For all those times you wished someone could just give you the DL on whether or not you could recommend a DOAC… HERE IT IS! Seriously the best overview of the current lit you could ask for. Read it. Absorb it. Explore it. Use it.

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How Low Can You Go: An Overview of Anemia

Sure, you may not think a low hemoglobin is all that pharmaceutically sexy… BUT guess what?!? There’s more to it than you might think! Take a few minutes to learn about some of the most common causes of anemia, and we bet you’ll be able to apply this to your patients every single day.

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Vancomycin Dosing in Hemodialysis

Time for the Return of the Vancomycin! (Maybe not quite as exciting as the Return of the King or even the Return of the Jedi, but I mean, c’mon, it’s VANCOMYCIN.) Take some time with this post and learn about dosing this medication in a special population.

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How to be Awesome at Biostatistics and Literature Evaluation - Part IV

Finally! A practical, no nonsense guide to study design, bias, and literature evaluation.

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How to Maximize Your Tax Return

The ides of the month are approaching… No, not the Ides of March - this has nothing to do with Julius Caesar (sheesh, y’all are random). We mean the Ides of April! April 15th is tax day, so what can YOU do to maximize the money that stays in your pocket?

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Preparing for Spring: Allergic Rhinitis

Picture this: hordes (HORDES I TELL YOU) of poor souls carrying armfuls of Kleenex meandering up and down the OTC allergy aisle circa April 1st. How do you save them?

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A Primer on Hereditary Angioedema

We all learned the meaning of angioedema while studying lisinopril during our Top 200 quizzes. But what about when this alarming swelling occurs independently of an allergic reaction or an ACE-inhibitor?

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Warfarin: The Definitive Guide

First, we gave you the dosing guide. Then, we gave you the drug interactions. You thought that was all there is to warfarin? Now you can have it ALL in this definitive guide to the one and only warfarin.

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