Posts tagged anticoagulation
Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Hospitalized Medical Patients

While you’re working up that Cryptococcal meningitis or figuring out how to adjust vancomycin doses, don’t forget to assess VTE prophylaxis! Take a moment with tl;dr to make sure you’ve got your mental check list sorted for protecting your inpatients.

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Using Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Special Populations

For all those times you wished someone could just give you the DL on whether or not you could recommend a DOAC… HERE IT IS! Seriously the best overview of the current lit you could ask for. Read it. Absorb it. Explore it. Use it.

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The tl;dr Pharmacy Journal Club: Rivaroxaban with or without Aspirin in Stable Cardiovascular Disease (COMPASS)

This is our first ever journal club, so let us know what you think about it! Shoot me a line at If there's enough interest, we may do more of these journal clubs in the future.

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