Pocket Guides

Our Pocket Guides are designed to be the favorite item in your white coat pocket, next to that granola bar you save for in-between rounds when you can hide in the closet. They’re packed full of practice information, clinical pearls, and disease state monitoring and are organized in a way that helps you visualize and memorize the material. They’re as useful as a study aid as they are an indispensable practice guide. All of our pocket guides are printed and bound from a family-owned print shop in the United States.


A Clinician’s Pocket Guide to Pharmacotherapy: Acute on Chronic Adult Medicine ($50)

Our latest pocket guide to join the growing collection adds a new author to the mix! Josef Hadib Nissan, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP, pharmacist extraordinaire brought along Makayla Hadib Nissan, PharmD, BCACP, to put together one beast of a pocket guide (with input from everyone on the tl;dr team!). And yes, the names are awfully similar for a reason… it’s not just writing this pocket guide they partnered on… they partnered in other ways too :).

Like our other guides, this one is information dense and full of information to help you be better informed and better prepared for questions that come up in day to day practice. Weighing in at 160 packed pages of practice-relevant, evidence-based information, this hefty pocket (really, this will still fit in your coat pocket!) guide covers a broad range of disease conditions that you will likely encounter in the acute and ambulatory settings.

Patient care does not start and end in one setting. Acute conditions can lead to chronic issues that require ongoing care, and chronic conditions could quickly turn into acute issues requiring higher levels of care. As pharmacists, we all practice across the continuum of care, and sometimes we're faced with questions that we may not always deal with on a regular basis.

Everything is organized by body system and by acute versus chronic management. From treatment algorithms to standard dosing to clinical pearls, you'll find a wealth of information to answer questions whether in the hospital or the community.

Like our other pocket guides, this one is coil-bound to make it easy to keep your place in the guide, and the plastic covers and premium material make this one you'll want to keep handy either at your workstation or in your pocket!


A Clinician’s Pocket Guide to Pharmacotherapy: Pediatrics ($45)

Like our Antibiotic Pocket Guide and Acute Medical Emergencies Pocket Guide, the Pediatric Pocket Guide was primarily written by Josef Hadib Nissan, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP, with input from everyone on the tl;dr team.

Here's a section-by-section breakdown of everything included:

  • Intro to Pediatrics (Common lab values, nutritional requirements, etc)

  • Medication Considerations in Peds (PKPD, meds to avoid, excipients to avoid, OTCs)

  • Infectious Disease (vaccines, otitis media, croup, etc)

  • Immunology (anaphylaxis, Kawasaki disease)

  • Pulmonology (Asthma, RSI)

  • Cardiology (pediatric BLS and ACLS)

  • Toxicology (antidotes for common drug intoxication)

  • Miscellaneous (ADHD, DKA, Status Epliepticus, and more)

Each section is jam-packed with not just drug information but also critical information you need to diagnose and monitor the disease. In typical tl;dr fashion, it's loaded with clinical pearls, practice wisdom, and is organized in a way that helps you find, learn, and memorize the information.

It's coil-bound and super durable. It holds up to the stresses of daily life inside your white coat pocket, and it can even survive water and coffee spills. When the hospital internet fails, or your laptop battery dies, The Pediatric Pocket Guide will still serve as the guiding light you need to take care of the little guys. 


A Clinician’s Pocket Guide to Pharmacotherapy Management of Acute Medical Emergencies ($45)

When you're covering the ICU, and you're faced with an acute medical emergency, you want treatment algorithms, dosing, and useful clinical practice pearls in a hurry. This Pocket Guide is 50+ pages of concise, practice-relevant, pharmacy goodness that covers the most common medical emergencies you'll encounter in critical care. Everything is organized by body system, so you can quickly find the info you need, and contains the stuff you've come to expect from tl;dr...

  • An easy-to-understand overview of pharmacologic (and non-pharmacologic) therapy

  • Lots of clinical pearls

  • Loads of other essential practice info

  • Organized in a way that lets you easily find, learn, and memorize the information.

It fits wonderfully in your white coat pocket. It's coil-bound (so it won't close on you), the pages are glossy for durability, and the plastic cover will protect it from both your pocket and repeated coffee spills.


A Clinician’s Pocket Guide to Pharmacotherapy: Antibiotics ($45)

Since the beginning of tl;dr, infectious disease (particularly antibiotics) has been our most requested topic. Written by our very own Josef Hadib Nissan, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP, this pocket guide is basically the sum total of humanity's antibiotic knowledge distilled into 60 pages. That's maybe a slight exaggeration, of course...but we're really damn proud of this. And it fits beautifully in your white coat pocket. 

It's broken up into 3 main chapters:

  • Chapter 1: The tl;dr of Infectious Diseases

  • Chapter 2: Antimicrobial Management of Bacterial Infections 

  • Chapter 3: Antibiotic Dosing 

And then, in full tl;dr style, we get deep into the weeds to provide a comprehensive guide that doesn't exist anywhere else. Basically, we made the thing that we have always wished existed. Here's some of what's included (prepare yourself for an abnormally long bullet list):

  • Normal flora of the human body (divided by organ system) 

  • Signs/symptoms of infection and important diagnostic tools

  • Antibiotic mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics

  • Antibiotic toxicities (including teratogenicity) and drug interactions

  • Oral bioavailability, systemic distribution, and IV/PO conversions

  • Beta-Lactam allergy cross-reactivity

  • Risk of C. diff infections per antibiotic

  • Renal/hepatic dose adjustments

  • Dosing for Special Populations (obesity, HD, CRRT, Peritoneal dialysis)

  • A boatload of practice-relevant clinical pearls 

The Antibiotic Pocket Guide is the perfect tool to help learn antibiotics in an efficient way. And it will be a handy reference you'll always have on the ready.


These guides are all written, developed, designed, reviewed and edited by our whole team at tl;dr pharmacy and printed locally at a quality local printing service. We believe in supporting local businesses and hope to continue making new products that help make pharmacy practice better for our community and society. Thank you to all who made these possible!