Surprisingly, we here at tl;dr have never had a post on pulmonary embolisms. I know, I know, I was as shocked as you are given these are relatively commonly encountered and management relies heavily on pharmacy. We’re going to rectify this content hole ASAP with this week’s comprehensive yet concise overview. Come learn what every pharmacist needs to know about acute management of various types of PEs!
After 4+ long, hard years, you are going to graduate pharmacy school and get your first real-paying pharmacist position. And yes, it’s gonna be sweet. But before you go and drop buckets on your dream car, please take a minute to check out these tips for managing that sweet new salary. If no one’s talked with you about personal finance yet, there’s no time like the present!
It’s been a while since we’ve written about a new drug approval, but when there’s a first-in-class, novel agent approved to target the opioid epidemic, that kinda gets a pharmacist’s attention. Wouldn’t you agree? Come learn about suzetrigine so that you can decide whether this analgesic may have a place in your therapy arsenal.
Will everyone who’s ever felt panicky about being the pharmacist in a code blue please raise your hand? *all hands raise* Yeah, we understand. Sure, ACLS training is phenomenal, and we absolutely recommend it if codes are on your potential docket. But also, as Avril said, “Why’d you have to go and make things so complicated?” Which is why tl;dr is here. Let us give you the basics of what you need to know to survive codes as a pharmacist.
Ever been in a conversation and realized that you and the other person were talking apples and oranges when you needed to be talking apples to apples? Happens all the time! But one time it shouldn’t be happening is when discussing medication adverse events. So to help prevent confusion and potentially dangerous miscommunications, we have the CTCAE. Come learn about this useful grading system that many pharmacists use every day!
When you’re not sure what to write about, go for sex, right? Works for Hollywood… Kidding! That is so not our vibe! But, all jokes aside, when reviewing a list of internal medicine topics, I realized we’ve talked about female reproductive issues but not male. So I figured what better time than now to tackle this incredibly important and common issue that impacts men of all ages in so very many ways.
You feel like you’re finally starting to get the hang of what drugs cover what bugs in what infection. You’ve had some classic ID patient cases and have successfully chosen appropriate therapy. But then surprise, the latest bacterial culture returns resistant. Well, crap. How did that happen, and what do you do now? In this first post of our antimicrobial resistance series, we’re going to start the conversation of how bugs are changing the game on us.
It may be long overdue, but we are finally filling another big ol’ content hole on our site. It’s time to dive into acute ischemic strokes. Let us give you the rundown on fibrinolytics and their use in this time-dependent disease state so you can have the info handy at your fingertips. Because remember…TIME IS BRAIN!
Ok, so now onto pharmacotherapy - now updated to reflect the 2022 Guidelines!
Last time we talked about signs and symptoms and discussed the Frank-Starling curve. We are going to talk about the agents used in HF and how they affect this curve.
Wait…I thought tl;dr was a pharmacy site. Why are we posting about nutrition? Isn’t that someone else’s responsibility? Well, surprise surprise. We pharmacists often have to play in the nutrition sandbox! From medication and nutrient interactions to considerations for absorption and clinical effect, there’s a wide world of pharmacy-related topics to cover when it comes to enteral nutrition.
Just when you think tl;dr has introduced you to all the various avenues for practicing pharmacy, spoiler alert...we missed one. Introducing the wonderful world of nuclear pharmacy! From radioactive isotopes to Geiger counters to calibration times, this post is a fascinating overview of a lesser known pharmacy field. Come learn what our nuclear colleagues do and how you can be a part of this world should you choose.
It’s journal club time! If you've been paying attention to the news this week, you probably saw that Pfizer is voluntarily withdrawing Oxbryta (voxelotor) from the market due to safety concerns. This is an inherent (and unfortunate) risk for drugs approved under the FDA's accelerated approval pathway. Even though the drug itself bit the dust, this journal club still holds up!