Top 5 Things Your Preceptor Doesn't Want to Have to Tell You (But Will)

Have you ever wondered what your preceptor expects of you from day one of rotation? Let tl;dr give you some insight into your preceptors’ brains so you can start ahead of the game! And maybe save some awkwardness for everyone during the midpoint evaluation.

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The ABCs of LVADs for Pharmacists

Heart failure. You’ve got the beta blocker, ACEi/ARB, diuretic triad down pat. You know the mechanisms, the literature, and the monitoring. But what happens when those just aren’t enough? Time to turn to mechanics! But don’t worry, there’s plenty of pharmacotherapy to go around…

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Complications of Cirrhosis: Part 1

The poor liver is always neglected. The kidneys get all the attention with equations and renal dosing adjustments, but the liver is left with vague mild/moderate/severe recommendations. BUT NOT TODAY. Today is viva la liver day! Join tl;dr as we take a journey through the pathophysiology of cirrhosis and its associated major complications.

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What Every Pharmacist Should Know about Transdermal Fentanyl

Transdermal fentanyl - friend or foe? Perhaps frenemy? Before you decide, we have some tips and tricks that will help guide how you approach this high risk medication.

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Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Hospitalized Medical Patients

While you’re working up that Cryptococcal meningitis or figuring out how to adjust vancomycin doses, don’t forget to assess VTE prophylaxis! Take a moment with tl;dr to make sure you’ve got your mental check list sorted for protecting your inpatients.

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What's the Buzz with Burnout?

It’s July…it’s hot (and for some of us, that means HOT). It’s the time of year when things get burnt - like your hot dogs on the grill. Or your flowers on the deck. With everything scorching in this heatwave, don’t YOU be the next thing burnt. (Burnt out, that is.)

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The tl;dr Pharmacy Journal Club: Voxelotor in Sickle Cell Disease (HOPE Trial)

It’s new-drug-journal-club time! In a world bereft of (many) therapeutic options for sickle cell disease, we want to introduce you to the newest kid on the block: voxelotor. But first, we have to determine if this is a relationship worth starting, and we’ll do that by looking at the data.

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Diabetes Management Part 1: Everything Insulin

We’ve talked oral agents. We’ve talked insulin pumps. But have you ever wondered what all of the various insulins are doing on the market and why we have so many? If so, come take this trip down insulin memory lane to learn about these medications and how to use them.

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