Posts tagged graft versus tumor response
The Pharmacist's Primer on Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplants: Part 2

In our last post, we covered all the pieces that go into preparing for and executing a stem cell transplant. It was a LOT, and we’re hoping you came away with an appreciation for just how complex these procedures are. This week, we’re going to go through all things post-transplant. Can’t leave our patients hanging, now can we!? What supportive measures do they require for the transplant to stick and be a success? Check us out for these answers and more!

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An Introduction to Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT)

We recently covered the basics of hematologic malignancies. But did you know that for some of these patients there is actually an option to try for cure rather than just management? Check out how stem cell transplantation provides patients with an additional treatment strategy. Plus, learn about innovative therapies edging into the stem cell transplant space.

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