Monoclonal Antibodies Made Simple

Monoclonal antibodies (-mabs) are a common source of confusion for pharmacy students. They have long, hard-to-pronounce names that all look and sound alike. It's impossible to tell them apart, let alone keep track of where they're used therapeutically.

Well that ends today, you smarty pants tl;dr pharmacy reader, you. Today we're going to show you how to make sense of the entangled maze of -mabs. We're going to show you that there is actually a system to how monoclonal antibodies are named. 

Why bother? Because you can tell most of what you need to know about a monoclonal antibody just by the name.  You can learn a few simple rules that apply everywhere instead of crowding your brain memorizing endless details that you'll eventually forget after the test.

You can perform better on tests while spending less time studying and still remember the information.

Not to mention, -mabs are the future. They aren't going anywhere. You are going to see more and more of them because they're effective (both clinically and at making money for Genzyme shareholders). 

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How to Prepare for Any Job or Residency Interview in 5 Easy Steps

If you are reading this, I am reasonably confident that you have been through the interview process before. Maybe it was for a job, maybe it was for pharmacy school or residency--but more than likely you’ve experienced the sweaty palmed, butterflied stomach anxiety that is “the interview.”

But what if interviewing didn’t have to be like this? What if you could learn to not only tolerate but to thrive in an interview? What if you could walk into an interview knowing that you are the best person for the job?

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Are You "All Polish and No Substance?"

I was asked by a student once how she could make her resume more competitive for a residency.

Notice the subtle, yet instructive phrasing.

“How can I make my resume more competitive” vs. “How can I make myself more competitive.”

This minor difference in emphasis amplifies over the course of 4 years and leads to a residency candidate and/or future pharmacist that is all polish, no substance.

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You're Learning Medical Terminology the Wrong Way

If you've spent any amount of time on tl;dr pharmacy, you'll notice that our material doesn't read like most other sources of pharmacy education out there. In fact, it is almost nothing like it. This is an intentional move on our part.

Traditional thinking says that “Students have to learn the medical terms anyway. It’s better to just immerse them in it so they learn them more quickly and completely!” 

I can see how that might work if you're spending a semester abroad in France. But I'm not so sold on how effective it is for learning medical terminology.

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