“We regret to inform you that you did not match for a position” were the words on the other side of the NMS email.
That cut deep. Real deep.
Read More“We regret to inform you that you did not match for a position” were the words on the other side of the NMS email.
That cut deep. Real deep.
Read MoreIf I was to describe med rec to my non-healthcare system mom, I’d tell her that it’s a term used to encompass all the decisions made about a person’s medications when they change level or location of care
Read MoreEverything you need to know about how to study for (and pass) the biggest exam standing between you and the title "Pharmacist."
Read More53.7%
Do you know what that number represents? It represents the number of students who applied for the Match in 2016 and actually ended up matching with a PGY1 program.
Read MoreOn the other hand, there's a part of every single one of us that treats our patients (the same people we've dedicated our lives to serving) like things.
Read MoreEvery single milestone that stands between you and becoming a pharmacist requires passing a multiple choice test
Read MoreIf this book was around when I started pharmacy school...it would have prevented me from making several stupid mistakes that tacked years onto my student loan repayments.
Read MoreEditor's Note: The following is a sample chapter from our new guide: Mastering the Match: How to Secure a Pharmacy Residency. Are you thinking about residency? If so, click here.
Read MoreHello tl;dr friends. In addition to creating lovingly hand-crafted pharmacy knowledge bombs for your reading enjoyment, I also occasionally write for Pharmacy Times. I don't post every article that I write for Pharmacy Times here on tl;dr pharmacy...
Read MoreThis post is sort of a "round up" of Residency Directors, Pharmacy Directors, and other influencers in the pharmacy residency sphere. In short, these are the people who interview you when you apply for residency.
I asked each of them one question:
"How can a pharmacy student make their residency application stand out?"
Read MoreOne thing that new pharmacy residents struggle with is transitioning from "student" to "pharmacist." Since residents are still under the umbrella of being a trainee, the first few months of residency are not all that different from their P4 year
Read MoreThere's a new acronym on the rise in pharmacy education. One that's striking fear in the hearts of students everywhere.
The Pharmacy Curriculum Outcomes Assessment.
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